Articles pertaining to an Instructor's use of Blackboard.

Articles (78)

Add Opinion Questions to a Test in Blackboard

Instructions on creating opinion based questions for a test in Blackboard.

Add/Update Phone Number in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to add/update your phone number in Blackboard.

Add/Update Phone Number in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to add/update your phone number in Blackboard.

Adding an Image to Course Content in Blackboard

This article contains instructions on adding images to course content in Blackboard.

Adding Announcements in Blackboard

Instructions on posting announcements in a course within Blackboard.

Adding Calculated Numeric Questions to Tests

Instructions on how to create calculated numeric questions to tests.

Adding Files to a Course

Instructions on adding files to a course in Blackboard.

Adding Instructor Contact Information to a Course in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to add instructor contact information to a course in Blackboard.

Batch Enroll Users in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on enrolling users in a course or organization using a batch file.

Blackboard Course Menu Hidden

This article provides instructions for expanding the course menu if it is not visible.

Blackboard Course Menu Hidden

This article provides instructions for expanding the course menu if it is not visible.

Blackboard Groups

Utilizing groups in Blackboard for collaboration, file exchanging, group blogs, and more.

Blackboard Guest User Missing from Manage Users Tool

This article provides instructions on how to determine why a guest user is not appearing in the manage users area of a course in Blackboard.

Blackboard High Contrast Accessibility Setting

Blackboard Accessibility settings utilized options set in your operating system

Blackboard Opening as Guest

How to resolve the issue associated with Blackboard opening in a guest account.

Blackboard Template Courses

This article provides an overview of what a Blackboard Template course is, it's benefits, and how it is used.

Bulk Delete Course Content in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to delete course content in bulk.

Change Course Name in Blackboard

Instructions for changing the name of your course in Blackboard.

Change Grade from Score to Percent in Blackboard Grade Center

Instructions on how to change a grade from a score to a percent in Blackboard's Grade Center.

Changing Primary Email Address in Blackboard

The article contains instructions on how to update your staff email to a student email address in Blackboard.

Changing the Default Language on Blackboard

Instructions on how to change the default language in Blackboard.

Clearing an Attempt in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to clear an attempt for a student that already submitted an assignment and/or quiz and needs to resubmit.

Course Copy Instructions

Instructions on how a Course Copy in Blackboard.

Creating a Rubric in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to create a rubric in Blackboard.

Creating a Test in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to create a test in Blackboard.

Creating a Wiki in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to create a Wiki in a course in Blackboard.

Customize Your Course Entry Point in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to modifying Blackboard course style options, including layout, appearance, and banner.

Deleting Columns in Grade Center

Instructions for removing a column in Blackboard's Full Grade Center.

Downloading the Blackboard App on a Mobile Device

This article provides instructions for downloading the Blackboard app on a mobile device.

Embedding YouTube Videos in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to embed a YouTube video in your course content area in Blackboard.

Enabling Guest Access for a Course in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to enable Guest Access for a course within Blackboard.

Extending Due Date for Assignment in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on extending the due date on assignments for students that need additional time.

Features of the Course Management Control Panel in Blackboard

This article describes the features and functionality of the Course Management Control panel in Blackboard.

Finding Your Blackboard Organizations

This article contains instructions on how to locate your organizations in Blackboard.

Google Calendar Appointment Schedule Integration with Blackboard

Using Google Calendar, you can allow students to schedule an appointment with you directly in Blackboard and have it show up on your calendar.

Grading Blackboard Discussions

This article provides instructions on how to setup and grade Discussion Board posts in Blackboard.

How to Access Previous Courses Taught in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to view previous courses you've taught in Blackboard.

How to Add Alt Text Using Blackboard Content Editor

This article contains instructions on how to add alt text to an image in Blackboard and provides additional resources for creating alt text.

How to Change Your Blackboard Profile Picture

This article contains instructions on how to change your profile picture in Blackboard.

How to Create a Web Link in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to create a Web Link in a course.

How to Create Randomize Test Questions

This article provides instructions on how to create random blocks to randomize questions for a test in Blackboard.

How to Enable the Lockdown Browser Calculator

This article provides instructions on how to enable the LockDown Browser Calculator for a test in Blackboard.

How to Export a Course Roster from Blackboard to Excel

This article provides instructions on how to export a course roster from Blackboard to Excel.

How to Export and Import Tests in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to move a test from from one course to another.

How to Setup Extra Credit in the Blackboard Grade Center

The article provides instructions on how to setup an extra credit column in Blackboard Full Grade Center.

How to Turn Off Course Messages in Blackboard

This article contains instructions on how to turn of Course Messages for a course in Blackboard.

How to Turn On Plagiarism Checks for an Assignment in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on using SafeAssign on assignments to perform plagiarism checks within Blackboard.

Instructor Course Availability in Blackboard

The article offers instructions for instructors to troubleshoot why a course may not appear in Blackboard.

Instructor Not Receiving Email Updates Immediately in Blackboard

This article provides information about how instructors can verify email delivery settings if they do not receive confirmation that an email has been sent.

Linking Panopto Videos to Blackboard

How to link Panopto Videos within a course in Blackboard.

Making a Course Available for an Individual Student

How to adjust the availability of a course for an individual student or set of students if they need to access to a course after it has been completed.

Making a Course Available to Students

This article provides instructions on how to make a course available in Blackboard.

Manage Users in Blackboard Course

This article provides instructions on how to add/remove and modify users roles within a Blackboard course.

Managing Blackboard Notifications

This article contains instructions on how to manage notifications in Blackboard.

Organizing Full Grade Center in Blackboard

This article contains instructions on how to organize the Full Grade Center for a course in Blackboard.

Removing Instructor from a Course in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to remove another instructor(s) from your course in Blackboard. This article assumes that you are the main instructor for the course.

Respondus LockDown Browser Fix It Error

This article provides instructions on how to resolve errors that students report in LockDown Browser.

Send an Email in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to send an email in a course in Blackboard.

Setting up Test Exceptions in Blackboard

How to set up exceptions for a test to give extra time or attempts to individual students.

Student not Showing in Blackboard Grade Center

How to determine why a student is missing from the Grade Center in Blackboard.

Student Preview Mode in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how instructors can preview their courses from a student prospective in Blackboard.

Unable to access Google Drive Document in Blackboard

How to troubleshoot "You need access, Open the documents directly to see if requesting access is possible, or switch to an account with access." error on a Google Document being opened from Blackboard.

Unable to Add a Video to Blackboard

This article offers instructions for adding video content to Blackboard when the file size exceeds 50 MB.

Unable to Add Content in Blackboard: Quota Exceeded

This article contains information on how to manage your course quota in Blackboard.

Unable to Log In to Blackboard

What credentials do I use for Blackboard? How to reset your Blackboard password.

Unable to Upload Document from OneDrive in Blackboard

How to troubleshoot when a student is unable to upload documents stored on Microsoft 365 OneDrive to Blackboard.

Understanding Grade Columns in Blackboard

This article provides an overview of how grading works in Blackboard.

Upload Videos to Share on Blackboard

How to upload videos from Google Drive, Panopto, and YouTube in order to share on Blackboard.

Using Adaptive Release in Blackboard

This article provides instructions on setting up Adaptive Release in a Blackboard course.

Using Qwickly in Blackboard

The article provides an overview of how to access and use Qwickly.

Verify Student Activity in Blackboard with the Course Report Function

This article provides instructions on how to run Course Reports to verify student activity in a course in Blackboard.

Viewing Known Issues with Blackboard

This article provides instructions on how to view known issues with GRCC's Blackboard Learn environment.

Viewing SafeAssign Submissions as an Instructor

This article provides instructions on how to view assignments with SafeAssign enabled.

Viewing Student Photo Roster in Blackboard

Instructions for viewing a student photo roster from a course on Blackboard.

What is Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation

This article provides information and resources on Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation.

What is SafeAssign?

This article provides a summary of what SafeAssign is.