Creating a Wiki in Blackboard

Tags Wiki


How do I create a Wiki in Blackboard? 



  • Blackboard



A Wiki in Blackboard is a valuable tool that enables collaborative content creation and modification among course participants. It's a versatile feature that can be used for various purposes, such as group projects, resource sharing, and discussions related to course topics. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a Wiki in your Blackboard course.

  1. Open Blackboard
  2. Navigate to the desired course. 
  3. Locate the area where you want the Wiki
  4. Click the Tools menu option at the top. 
  5. Click on the Wiki option in the menu.
  6. Click Create New Wiki
  7. Enter a name.
  8. Provide instructions and adjust settings.
    • Add instructions to clarify the purpose and guidelines for using the Wiki.
    • Set date and time restrictions.
    • Configure participation settings to decide whether participants can create and edit content.
  9. Click Submit

For more information, review the Blackboard article on Wikis


Article ID: 3216
Wed 8/23/23 1:32 PM
Mon 9/18/23 7:13 AM