How can I clear an attempt for a student that needs to resubmit an assignment and/or test?
- Navigate to the course.
- Click Grade Center.
- Click Full Grade Center.
- Locate the student and assignment.
- Click next to the attempt.
- Click View Grade Details
- Click Clear Attempt
- Alternatively, select Ignore Attempt to ignore the attempts score in grade calculations and not count it against the maximum number of attempts.
- Click OK
Why might you need to clear an attempt?
- A student submits an assignment late.
- A student encounters a technical problem.
- A student wants to make changes to their submission.
What is the difference between clearing an attempt and ignoring an attempt?
- When you clear an attempt, the student's submission is deleted and they will be able to resubmit the assignment.
- When you ignore an attempt, the student's submission is not deleted, but it will not be counted in the grade calculations.
- Check the grade history before clearing an attempt. If a student has already received a grade for an attempt, clearing the attempt will also remove the grade.