Adding Files to a Course


How do I add files to a course?



  • Blackboard



Adding files to a course in Blackboard is a great way to distribute documents, presentations, and other resources to your students. You can add files to any area of your course, such as the Course Content page, the Discussion Board, or the Assignments page.

To add a file to a course in Blackboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the course where you want to add the file.
  2. Click the Build Content button.
  3. In the Content Type dropdown menu, select File.
  4. In the File Name field, type the name of the file.
  5. In the File Location field, browse to the file on your computer.
  6. (Optional) In the Description field, type a description of the file.
  7. Click the Submit button.



Here are some additional tips for adding files to a course in Blackboard:

  • You can add multiple files at once by selecting them all before clicking the Submit button.
  • You can also drag and drop files into the File Location field.
  • If you want to hide the file from students until a certain date, you can set the Release Date field.

Please see the Blackboard Help article about adding files to a course in Blackboard for more information. 


Article ID: 3299
Fri 8/25/23 12:47 PM
Thu 11/2/23 12:35 PM