Creating a Rubric in Blackboard

Tags Rubric


How to I create a Rubric in Blackboard? 



  • Blackboard



  1. Log in to Blackboard.
  2. Navigate to the desired course.
  3. From the course menu, locate Course Management, and click Course Tools
  4. Click Rubrics.
  5. Click Create Rubric from the top left corner.
  6. Give your rubric a descriptive name. This will help you identify it easily.
  7. Under RUBRIC DETAIL, define the criteria by which you will evaluate the assignment.
    • Each criterion should have multiple levels of achievement, such as Novice, Competent, Proficient
  8. Set point values
    • Assign point values to each criterion level. This helps in calculating the total points for the assignment.
  9. Add descriptions
    • Write descriptions for each criterion level to provide clarity on what is expected at each level of achievement
  10. Click Submit

Watch the video below to learn more. 


Article ID: 1747
Sat 1/23/21 3:37 PM
Thu 11/9/23 6:54 AM