Manage Users in Blackboard Course

Tags Blackboard


How do I add or remove users in my Blackboard course?



  • Blackboard



Add User

  1. Login to Blackboard.
  2. Navigate to the course.
  3. Click Users and Groups.
  4. Click Users.
  5. Click Enroll Users in the upper-left. 
  6. Enter the username or click Browse.
  7. Chose a Role
  8. Make sure Enrollment Availability is Yes.
  9. Click Submit. 

Remove or Modify User Roles

  1. Login to Blackboard.
  2. Navigate to the course.
  3. Click Users and Groups.
  4. Click Users.
  5. Locate the user in the USERNAME column and click  next to their username.
  6. Choose from the following:
    • Change User's Role in Course
      • Choose the desired role and click Submit. 
    • Change User's Availability in Course
      • Choose the desired role.
      • Select Yes or No on whether you want the course available to the user.
      • Click Submit. 
    • Remove User's from Course
      • Click OK to remove the user. 
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