Creating a Test in Blackboard


How do I create a test in my Blackboard course? 



  • Blackboard



  1. Within Blackboard, locate the desired course.
  2. From the Course Management menu, click Tests, Surveys, and Pools
  3. Click Tests
  4. Click Build Test
  5. Enter a NameDescription, and Instructions for the test and click Submit
  6. On the Test Canvas page, click Create Question and choose from the various questions types. You may also reuse questions or upload them. 
  7. When you've completed creating questions, locate the area in the course you would like to deploy them.
  8. On the desired page, click Assessments at the top and choose Tests
  9. In the Add an Existing Test box, select the desired test and then click Submit



Please refer to this Blackboard Help article for more information.


  • Deploy your test in a convenient location. Students should be able to find the test easily.
  • Provide feedback to students. This will help them to improve their performance on future tests.
  • Use Student Preview Mode to see how your test will look to students. This will help you to identify any problems with your test before you deploy it.


Article ID: 3310
Fri 8/25/23 1:01 PM
Thu 11/2/23 12:40 PM