How to Access Previous Courses Taught in Blackboard


How do I access previous courses I've taught in Blackboard? 



  • Blackboard



  1. Open Blackboard
  2. Navigate to the Courses page from the menu to the left. 
  3. At the top, click the Current Courses option and select the desired semester.

Sometimes a course is not visible because it has been marked as hidden. To confirm, follow the instructions below.

  1. On the Courses page locate the Filter towards the top. 
  2. Click the All Courses  dropdown menu.
  3. Click Hidden from me
  4. To make it visible, hover your cursor over the course tile and click in the upper-right. 
  5. Choose  Show course


Article ID: 3248
Wed 8/23/23 3:23 PM
Wed 1/3/24 10:45 AM