Enabling Guest Access for a Course in Blackboard


How do I allow a guest user to access my course in Blackboard? 



  • Blackboard 



  1. Confirm that the guest has been added to your course. 
  2. Navigate to the desired course. 
  3. Under Course Management, click Customization from the menu on the bottom left. 
  4. Click Guest and Observer Access
  5. Select Yes under ALLOW GUEST ACCESS
  6. Click the Submit button to save your changes. 

Note: Guests may not be able to view all content items from the Course Menu.  If that is the case, click the next to each Course Menu item.  From this menu, click Permit Guests


Additional Information


Article ID: 3245
Wed 8/23/23 3:14 PM
Tue 12/19/23 8:49 AM