Upload Videos to Share on Blackboard


What are the best ways to store and share a video(s) in my Blackboard course? 



  • Blackboard
  • Google
    • Drive
    • YouTube
  • Panopto



The are three different ways to store and upload videos in a Blackboard course. 

Google Drive

  1. Navigate to Google Drive
  2. Create Folders for the video if desired. 
  3. Click New 
  4. Click File upload.
  5. Click on the desired file to upload.
  6. Make sure the sharing settings are set to Anyone with the Link before sharing the link in Blackboard


  1. Log into MyGRCC.
  2. Click the Panopto tile.
  3. Create Folders if desired.
  4. Click Create 
  5. Click Upload Media 
  6. Drag or Select Desired File(s) 
  7. Click Close when upload is complete
  8. Share the video in your course. 


  1. Navigate to YouTube.
    • It is advised to use your GRCC Google account to access. 
  2. Click Create 
  3. Click Upload Videos.
  4. Drag or Select Desired File(s).
  5. Add Required Fields - Title, Audience, etc. 
  6. Click NEXT
  7. Click NEXT
  8. Choose Desired Visibility
  9. Click SAVE
  10. Share the video link in your course. 


Article ID: 3249
Wed 8/23/23 3:23 PM
Thu 4/4/24 10:20 AM