Using Adaptive Release in Blackboard


What is adaptive release and how do I use it in Blackboard?



  • Blackboard



What is it?

Adaptive release is a feature in Blackboard that allows you to control when students have access to content in your course. You can create rules that release content based on a variety of criteria, such as the student's progress in the course, their score on an assessment, or their completion of a certain task.

Different types of Adaptive Release

Adaptive Release

This allows you to create a basic release rule for the item or folder. This rule applies to all students in the course.

Adaptive Release: Advanced

This lets you create more complex release rules for the item or folder. You can create different rules for different groups or users or situations.


  1. Open Blackboard
  2. Navigate to the desired course.
  3. Locate the content item in the course. 
  4. Click the next to the item to bring up the menu.
  5. Choose either Adaptive Release or Adaptive Release: Advanced and fill in the desired criteria. 
  6. Click Submit



  • Use adaptive release to control the pace of your course. You can release content to students as they progress through the course, or you can release content based on their performance on assessments.
  • Use adaptive release to personalize the learning experience for your students. You can create different release rules for different groups of students, or you can create rules that are based on the student's individual needs.
  • Use adaptive release to provide students with a sense of accomplishment. You can release content to students as they complete certain tasks, or you can release content based on their score on an assessment.


Article ID: 3218
Wed 8/23/23 2:21 PM
Wed 11/1/23 10:43 AM