Popular Services
Form used when requesting any type of network account modification and rights provisioning including new hires, transfers, additional access, etc.
GRCC Students and Staff are eligible for a free Microsoft 365 account with an active GRCC email address. Use this service to create your account today!
Request a network username change to match your new legal name.
This service is available to faculty, adjuncts, staff, contingents, and student employees. Students requiring a loaner laptop should check out loaners through the library.
The IT Knowledge Base (frequently referred to as the KB) offers quick access to articles designed to provide "how-to" steps and helpful answers to common questions about technology here at Grand Rapids Community College. Used to increase user self-independence, IT documents all commonly identified errors to support hardware and software issues, processes and procedures followed by the IT department.
If an article is not found in the KB, submit your idea for one here.
Google Groups allow you to communicate with large groups of people at GRCC.
Check-out a laptop cart for classroom, single-day use.
Web browsers offer a multitude of extensions to improve work productivity. Request specific Chrome extensions to be reviewed and implemented.
Request additional Shared Network drive rights.
An introduction to the HyFlex classroom technology.
This form is used to request a general modification to TDX.
This service encompasses the new project request cycle which is an on-going request process.
GRCC IT puts an exceptional focus on customer success. We are available to offer you consulting on any of our services to make you more proficient.