The GRCC IT Department is happy to assist with loaning laptops to faculty & staff.
Students needing loaner laptops, or technology accessories must check this equipment out from GRCC's Library and Learning Commons. The library no longer checks out equipment to GRCC employees.
Students may also utilize GRCC's Loaner Laptop Vending Machines for 4 hour use at the following locations:
- Calkins Science Center, First Floor, North Hallway
- Student Center: Third floor, Counseling
- Lakeshore Campus
Employee Laptop Loaner Process
Due to limited resources, employees who already have a laptop as their primary device are subject to further approval for a loaner laptop. Full-time faculty and staff who have a desktop as their primary device are eligible to upgrade to a laptop at no additional charge to their department. (Please note: the IT Department does not require justification, nor limits the number of devices a department may purchase. As such, these devices are not covered under the Lifecycle replacement process unless assigned to a full time employee as their primary device.
This service MUST be requested by the employee receiving the laptop. Only (1) laptop may be loaned to any individual at any time. If you department needs multiple laptops for a short time period, please visit the Loaner Laptop Request service at the link below:
Service - Loaner Laptop Cart Request (
GRCC faculty, adjuncts, staff and contingent employees for short term loans, and those traveling for official college business.