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Instructions for obtaining and installing Windows 10 on Parallels for Desktop Mac.
Choosing a default printer in Windows 10.
Setting VLC Player to default when opening up MPEG video files in Windows 10
Instructions on how to check for and install updates on a Windows 10 device.
How to switch out of S Mode in order to download software to a personal PC
How to fix issues where the computer is turned on but blank and unresponsive
Copy and Paste multiple sources of information and images with constantly using Ctrl C + Ctrl V
Modifying your power-saving options so that when the laptop's lid is closed it will not be put into standby mode.
Instructions for installing the VMware Horizon View Client onto a personal or college machine.
How to set a default program by file type
The print settings window will not appear in Windows without having first set a default printer.
Password changes only reflect on campus computer logins if the computer is on the campus network.
How to enable web notifications from my browser while I am in full screen mode