Courses all showing as closed in Online Center


Student was trying to enroll in courses with open seats and they are all showing as closed



  • Online Center
  • Safari
  • Windows



The folling Resolution will resolve the issue if the student is term activated, and it is during the enrollment window



The issue could be relatedcompatibility of Safari on a Mac, switching to Google Chrome could resolve the issue

If happening on Windows, clear cookies/cache, check for term activation, click on the class option, add it to shopping cart, and attempt to register, as long as the class has seats and is not actually closed, the class will register.


If the student is still unable to register it might be an issue with the course setup, to determine this:

  1. Open another browser or a private/incognito window
  2. Navigate to
  3. Search for the course
  4. If the course is showing as closed, contact Records to have the course properly configured. 


Article ID: 2168
Fri 12/10/21 5:00 PM
Wed 11/1/23 8:13 AM