Advanced operators in Gmail

Tags Gmail


How to use advances search operators in Gmail. 



  • Google Workspace
    • Gmail



A quick cheat sheet for advanced Gmail searches.  

Operator     Definition Example
from: message from sender “from: dave” = all mail with ‘dave’ in sender field
to: message to recipient “to: sydney” = all mail with ‘sydney’ in the destination field (including mail not from you)
subject: message subject “subject: dinner” = all mail that has ‘dinner’ in the subject
after: messages sent after a certain date “after: 2009/03/01” = all mail sent after March 1, 2009 (date format must always be YYYY/MM/DD)
before: messages sent before a certain date “before: 2009/01/01” = all mail sent before January 1, 2009

More information can be found in the following article from Google on Search operators you can use with Gmail


Article ID: 1432
Mon 12/2/19 8:22 AM
Mon 2/5/24 9:12 AM