Create Notes Using Google Keep


Is there a way for me to create reminder notes in Gmail?



  • Gmail
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Keep





Google Keep can be accessed from the App Menu or on the right hand side of Gmail or Google Calendar. The icon is a yellow square with a lightbulb

Yellow box with light bulb


From within Google Keep

  1. Choose an option:
    • Click Take a note and enter a note.
    • Click New List and add items to your list.
  2. (Optional) Add a title.
  3. Click Done


From within Gmail or Google Calendar

  1. Click the Google Keep icon in the right side menu
  2. Choose an option:
    • Click Take a note and enter a note
    • Click New List and add items to your list
  3. (Optional) Add a title
  4. Click Done
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Article ID: 1054
Sun 1/20/19 3:25 PM
Mon 3/4/24 11:52 AM