Borrowing an AutoCAD License


I need to use AutoCAD while off campus.



  • AutoCAD



  • This is only for a faculty member with a staff laptop with the program installed.
    • IT/Media is also included in this allotment.
  • These steps needs to be completed while on campus.



  1. Open AutoCAD
  2. Open the sub menu  in the upper right corner next to the  icon
  3. Click About Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 
  4. Click on the Manage License button.
  5. Click on the Borrow button.
  6. If prompted, choose multi user license type
  7. Choose a date within the valid date range.
    • Typically only for the time that you will be off campus. It will auto return after midnight on the end date.
  8. Click Borrow License and enjoy the use of AutoCAD at home on your break!