G Suite Tile Opens Personal Gmail Account


User is directed to personal Gmail account when clicking on G Suite tile in MyGRCC.



  • MyGRCC
  • Gmail



A Google Account can have several different Gmail accounts linked to it for the user to access and manage.


While in the personal Gmail account

  1. Click the profile icon in the upper right corner (either a photo or a letter inside a circle)
  2. Click Add another account under Manager your Google Account
  3. Enter GRCC email address in Google Sign in page
  4. Click Next
    1. You will be redirected to MyGRCC to authenticate
  5. Enter MyGRCC  Passphrase and complete the one time passcode (OTP) if prompted. 
  6. You will be redirected back to your email account. 

When clicking on the profile icon, you can switch between Gmail accounts


Article ID: 1750
Wed 1/27/21 9:44 AM
Wed 3/13/24 10:16 AM