Access to Read & Write Screen Reading Software on Devices


How can I get access to the Read & Write screen reading and translation software on a computer?



  • Personal Devices
    • Android
    • iOS
    • Microsoft Windows
    • Mac OS
    • Chrome
    • Microsoft Edge
  • Read&Write Accessibility Software



GRCC's R&W subscription is an unlimited (Domain-wide) subscription for use by all students and staff within the school/district/specified domain(s), with take home access which includes access to all supported platforms including Windows, Mac, Google Chrome, as well as iPad and Android apps.

The domains of the schools in the Kent ISD are not covered under the GRCC R&W subscription.

**This is also good for GRCC devices for users to create an account for, MacOS specifically, but Windows users can as well.


  1. Go to the texthelp website
  2. Click Try Read&Write
  3. Select the appropriate download type
    • Google Chrome / Windows / Android / Mac / etc. 
  4. Launch the program after download is complete
  5. Click Read and Write icon
  6. Click Sign in with Google
  7. Register using your GRCC email address.