Disabling Environmental Scans in Respondus Monitor


How do I disable environmental scans in Respondus Monitor?



  • Respondus
    • LockDown Browser 



Many GRCC faculty use Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor for remote proctoring of exams in online courses. Respondus Monitor allows the instructor to watch the student’s webcam while the student completes the exam. By default, part of the student’s setup for this proctoring is to provide a scan of their surrounding environment before beginning the exam.

Faculty teaching fully online courses should not require these environmental scans when using Respondus Monitor for remote proctoring. Faculty may still use Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor for remote proctoring, but our recommendation is to disable the environmental scan.


  1. Open your course in Blackboard
  2. From the Course Management menu on the bottom-left, navigate to Course Tools
  3. Click Respondus LockDown Browser.
  4. Click the dropdown arrow next to the test title and select Settings.
  5. Find the Proctoring section to change the settings for Respondus Monitor.
  6. In the Startup Sequence section, uncheck the box for Environment Check.
  7. Save & Close and repeat for each exam in your course.

Watch this video for a demonstration of this process

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Article ID: 3440
Thu 10/12/23 11:05 AM
Thu 2/15/24 3:18 PM