This article provides an overview of what a Blackboard Template course is, it's benefits, and how it is used.
What is a Blackboard Template and how can I request one?
What are they?
A Blackboard Template is a blank course that instructors can use to create their content. Templates provide a basic framework for organizing course content, such as modules, assignments, and assessments.
What are the benefits?
Templates are like a sandbox environment for instructors to build their course content. This means that templates provide a safe and isolated space to experiment with different course structures and content. This can be helpful for ensuring that the course is well-organized and easy to navigate before it is made available to students.
How do they work?
- Once the Template course has been created, it will be listed on the Courses page under Templates & Course Shells.
- A Template uses a standard naming format - the instructors username, course, and then Template. For example, JSMITH.BI101.TEMPLATE.
- Initially the Template course will be completely blank and you can begin building out your content.
- Add additional instructors to the course if needed. Do not include students.
- When the Template course has been built and its ready to be deployed to students, you can Course Copy from the Template course (source) to the live course (destination)
- You will never lose access to your Template courses, thus preserving any work that an instructor would like to use in the future.
- If a majority of work has been done within an assigned Blackboard course, an instructor also has the option to request a template, then course copy into the template so their work is preserved.
How can I request one?
Contact the TLDE department or submit a Template Service Request.