Instructional Software Process


This KB contains detailed documentation of the Instructional Software Request process.



Information Technology's (IT) Instructional Software process ensures timely delivery of the software resources needed to meet the College's instructional outcomes while continuing to meet information security, licensing, compliance, and budgetary obligations. All computer labs and classrooms used for instruction are governed by the Instructional Software process.



The Instructional Software process is always open and requests may be filed at any time. Information Technology, however, has established three request windows for the convenience of staff and faculty. Each semester has an accompanying request window and requests filed during that semester's request window are guaranteed for completion in time for the associated semester. Requests filed outside of request windows are considered late or out-of-window requests. Information on late or out-of-window requests may be found later in this document.


  • Instructional Software Resource: An app, application, program, software, configuration, or operating information used on a computer, tablet, or other computing device.
  • Hardware Resource: Any hardware or physical component used with a computer, tablet, or other computing device.

Request Categories

Requests submitted during a request window fall within one of four broad categories. Requests of any category may be submitted during any request window but budget constraints may inform or limit when a request can be processed.

New Software

These are requests for a software resource not used previously at the College in either an instructional or operational capacity. New software requests may or may not have costs associated with them. Costs incurred by these requests may or may not fall within Information Instructional Software Resource: An app, application, program, software, configuration, or operating information used on a computer or computing device. Hardware Resource: Any hardware or physical component used with a computer or computing device. Technology's Instructional Software Budget. Costs will be communicated to requester(s) by Information Technology.

These requests must complete licensing, feasibility, and security reviews.


The Computer Information Systems (CIS) department would like to use a new development platform that is not used by any other instructional or operational department.

Update / Upgrade

These are requests to update or upgrade software resources that are already in use at the College. Update & upgrade requests may or may not have costs associated with them. Costs incurred by these requests may or may not fall within Information Technology's Instructional Software Budget. Costs will be communicated to requester(s) by Information Technology.

Information Technology does not automatically update nor upgrade instructional software resources without a request.

These requests must complete licensing, feasibility, and security reviews.


The Applied Technology department uses a two year old version of Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS. For the upcoming semester, however, this department would like to move to the latest major release.

Minor vs. Major / Update vs. Upgrade

This section is provided for information only. Requests will be classified by Information Technology.

Information Technology may classify updates and upgrades as major or minor. Additionally, Information Technology distinguishes between update and upgrade. These terms can be loosely understood to imply the complexity or level of work needed to complete an update or upgrade. Additionally, these terms may imply that there is a cost associated with the update or upgrade.


Moving from Trimble Sketchup 2020 to Trimble Sketchup 2022 is considered a major upgrade. Such a move may require the purchase of additional, updated, or new licenses. The application, having undergone significant changes, must also be re-packaged and deployed.

Moving from Cisco Packet Tracer 12.7. to Cisco Packet Tracer 12.8, however, is considered a minor update. The small increment in version number implies this is a maintenance or security patch and, most likely, will not require or incur any costs.

Location Change

These are requests for existing software resources to be deployed to a location that did not previously house this resource. Update & upgrade requests may or may not have costs associated with them. Costs incurred by these requests may or may not fall within Information Technology's Instructional Software Budget. Costs will be communicated to requestors by Information Technology.

These requests must complete licensing and feasibility reviews


The Visual Arts department is now holding classes in the Applied Technology Center and needs software resources deployed in several labs that did not have the software resource previously.

Retirement / Removal

These requests are for the removal or retirement of existing software resources that are no longer used.


The Business department no longer uses Intuit Quickbooks with instruction and requests for it be removed from the computer labs in Cook Academic Hall (CAH/COOK).

Request Windows

Request windows were established to ensure that all involved parties have sufficient time to complete the work necessary to process and/or fulfill these requests.

Fall Request Window

The Fall Request Window is the primary request period for instructional software resources and handles the majority of requests each year. Requests that require a purchase should be filed during this period to allow for any applicable budget increase requests.

  • The Fall Request Window opens on the last Thursday of January each year.
  • The Fall Request Window closes on the last Friday of May each year.

Winter Request Window

Requests filed during the Winter Request Window should be limited to updates, minor upgrades, location changes, and retirements only. The short period of time between the Fall and Winter semesters make it difficult to fulfill new software requests and major upgrade requests. Information Technology, however, will make every attempt to fulfill requests of all categories made during this window.

Requests received during this window where a purchase is required, are not included in the instructional software budget, and are the responsibility of the requesting department.

  • The Winter Request Window opens the last Thursday of October each year.
  • The Winter Request Window closes the last Friday in November each year.

Summer Request Window

The Summer Request Window runs alongside both the Fall and Winter request windows. Instructional software resource requests for both (or one of) the summer sessions should be made during this window.

  • The Summer Request Window opens on the last Thursday of October each year.
  • The Summer Request Window closes on the last Friday before the Mid-Semester Break which is typically at the end of February each year.

Late / Out-of-Window Requests

All costs associated with instructional software resource requests filed outside of a request window are the responsibility of the requesting department.

Requests filed outside of a request window are considered late or out-of-window. These requests are queued for processing at a lower priority than requests filed during a request window but will be processed as soon as possible. Information Technology provides the following general guidance on late or out-of-window requests.

  • Requests are categorized as either minor or major requests and proceed through the process dependent on categorization.
  • Any late or out-of window request filed for fulfillment during the active semester is categorized as major.

Minor Late / Out-of-Window Requests

Minor requests are late or out-of-window requests for existing software resources, location changes, or updates and upgrades where no purchase is necessary. Fulfillment of a request must also be deemed low risk or not overly disruptive to be classified as a minor request. Minor requests may proceed through the review and fulfillment stages without any additional approvals and will be queued for completion as soon as possible.

Major Late / Out-of-Window Requests

Major requests are late or out-of-window requests for any new software resource. Late or out-of- window requests for existing software resources, location changes, updates, or upgrades where a purchase is necessary are also considered major. Major requests must be approved by the appropriate Associate Dean with oversight of the requesting department. Major requests are also subject to final approval by the Chief Information Officer.

Upon approval, major requests will be fulfilled as soon as possible. Denied major requests may be placed on hold until the following request window. Request denials may be disputed with the appropriate Associate Dean with oversight of the requesting department.

Communication Methods


Information Technology will announce the opening of each request window by email. This email be sent to all associate deans, faculty directors, APSS, and lab coordinators. It is the responsibility of each department director and/or APSS to relay this communication to other interested parties.

Information Technology will send one (1) reminder email two (2) weeks prior to the close of each request window. This email will be sent to all associate deans, faculty directors, APSS, and lab coordinators. It is the responsibility of each department director and/or APSS to relay this communication to other interested parties.


All requests for instructional software resources will be logged as a ticket in Information Technology's service management platform. Communication with requester(s) and other stakeholders will be conducted through the ticket. Communications sent through the ticket will be delivered via email. Tickets will be closed once a request is processed.

Department Meetings

Members of Information Technology's instructional software team are available to meet with departments and other stakeholders upon request.



Requests move through three broad stages during the process - submittal, review, and fulfillment. A request is considered processed once it has completed fulfillment or been denied.

Submitting a Request

  • All requests for instructional software resources must be submitted through Information Technology's service management platform.
  • Requests must be submitted by a department director, APSS, or full-time faculty member.
  • Upon receipt, requests will be reviewed. If necessary, Information Technology will solicit additional information from the requester or requesting department.
  • Requests must be for either a specific software resource or provide a detailed description of need. Information Technology will research and deliver recommendations in some cases.
  • Requests must include one or more locations where the requester would like the software resource deployed.


  • All requests received during a request window will be reviewed by instructional software team member upon close of the request window.
  • Demonstration copies of software resources and/or quotes may be obtained to aid in the review process.
  • Requests, based on category, are subject to feasibility, licensing, budget, and security reviews.

Feasibility Review

Feasibility reviews are conducted by Information Technology's Endpoint Management team. Feasibility reviews ensure that the hardware resources in the desired locations are capable of running and supporting the software resource. Feasibility reviews also evaluate the complexity and compatibility with Information Technology's software resource deployment and management platforms.

Feasibility reviews may identify additional purchases necessary to fulfill the requests. For example, a high performance software resource may require additional hardware resources be purchased and installed prior to fulfillment of the request. Recommendations in the event an additional resource is required with be deferred to the Licensing & Budget Review.

Requests for software resources that fail a feasibility review may be denied if the College does not possess hardware compatible for the software resource. Requests may also be denied at this stage if a software resource is not compatible with the College's computing environment, deployment, or management platforms.

Licensing & Budget Review

Licensing & budget reviews are conducted by Information Technology's Asset Management and Project Management department. Licensing reviews ensure that the intended use of software resources align with permitted licensing and contractual obligations. These reviews also identify all necessary purchases and allocate budget therein. 

Budget allocation depends on the unique case of each request. Information Technology, however, provides the following general guidance.

  • Requests for software resources filed during the Fall Request Window will fall within scope of Information Technology's Instructional Software budget.
  • Additional hardware, devices, or other resources necessary to fulfill a request may fall within scope of other Information Technology or requesting department budgets.
  • Cost and budget details will be communicated to the appropriate parties by Asset Management and Project Management staff.

Requests for instructional software resources that fail a licensing and/or budget review may denied by the Asset Management and Project Management department. Denial reasons may include budgeting, compliance, or licensing restrictions.

Security Review

Security reviews ensure that all software resources in use at the College align with applicable cybersecurity guidelines, policies, procedures, and standards. Security reviews are conducted by Information Technology's Information Security department.

Requests for instructional software resources that fail a security review may be denied by the Information Security department.

Issue Resolution

Information Technology will make every attempt to resolve any issue that arises during any of the aforementioned reviews or at any time during the Instructional Software process. Resolution may take the form of a recommendation for additional resources, alternative software resources, or escalation to project status.

Escalation to Project Status

A request for instructional software resources may be escalated to a project request if certain issues arise during the review stage. Some examples include:

  • Fulfillment of the request would require new server resources.
  • Purchase of new software resources would incur a cost greater than or equal to $5,000.00 and/or there is not enough instructional software budget to accommodate the request.
  • Amount of time to fulfill the request exceeds forty (40) working hours.
  • Request does not identify a specific software resource and will exceed ten (10) hours of research time.
  • Budget increase for new software is not approved.

Requests escalated to project status are no longer governed by the Instructional Software process. Please review Information Technology's Project Request process for more information.


The fulfillment stage of the Instructional Software process includes the procurement, planning, testing, and deployment of all resources necessary to fulfill a request for instructional software resources.

Procurement & Planning

Information Technology procures all necessary resources from hardware and software vendors. The deployment schedule of resources is built by Information Technology staff and is designed to navigate the availability of labs, classrooms, and locations during times of low usage.


Software resources are packaged for deployment through Information Technology's software deployment and management platforms. Deployment is then queued for completion pursuant to the deployment schedule.

Testing of packaged software may be made available to faculty and lab coordinators. Information Technology recognizes that faculty and staff may not always be available or have capacity to complete this testing. Information Technology staff will make all reasonable attempts to ensure software resources are delivered in a functional state.


Deployment of software and supporting resources are executed pursuant to the deployment schedule. Following deployment, Information Technology identifies a random sample of devices for manual verification.


Appendix A: Instructional Software Staff & Roles

Instructional Software Staff & Roles Table
Name Email Title Role
Debra Hintz Chief Information Officer Final approval for emergency software requests
Brandon Kaines Information Security Officer Conducts security reviews
Kelly Webber Director of IT Service Management and Endpoint Solutions Coordinates Endpoint Management and consults with project manager
Jeff VanderVeen Director of IT Project Management, Procurement & Licensing Project Manager and budget control officer (BCO)
Stephen Brozek Senior Systems Administrator - Endpoint Management Application packaging, testing, and deployment
David Houseman Senior Systems Administrator - Endpoint Management Application packaging, testing, and deployment




Article ID: 1470
Mon 1/27/20 7:28 AM
Wed 7/24/24 7:37 AM

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