How to submit a project request


Step by step instructions for submitting a project request through TeamDynamix.


This article provides step-by-step instructions for submitting project requests. All requests are preliminarily reviewed within 14 business days of submission. After the preliminary review has been completed, you will be notified as to what request category is assigned to your project request. 


Log into TeamDynamix Client Portal

  1. Navigate to the Project Request service in TeamDynamix
    1. Go to
    2. Select Client Portal
    3. Select Services from the menu bar
    4. Scroll to the Project Management service category
    5. Select New Project Request from the list of services
  2. Login with your MyGRCC credentials
  3. Click Project Request Form button

Completing Project Request Form

General Information Section

  • Project Name - Please use a name which describes your project request and would be easily identified by others.
  • Sponsor Name - Whoever "owns" the project on behalf of the organization. The person that has overall responsibility for a project and can authorize work on the project to begin. This field will be automatically generated to who is completing the project request form, but you can change as necessary.
  • Sponsor Department - This is the department who will be responsible for this project. By default, the requester's department is selected.
  • Project Description - Please write one paragraph which clearly explains the intended goals and outcomes of this request. This will be used as the executive summary for this request.
  • Please detail the problem(s) or issue(s) that the completed work of this project will solve - Identify the problem, shortcomings or issues that are currently being experienced. Please detail any current workarounds you are using.
  • Desired Start Date - This is date you would prefer work to begin on this project.
  • Required Completion Date - This is the date this project MUST be completed by.

Compliance Information Section

  • Is this request related to a compliance or regulatory issue? Yes, No, Unsure
  • If yes, please detail the compliance or regulatory issue that this project will solve - Please provide information on the current state of compliance as well as any background information on new or upcoming regulatory changes that require this project to be completed.

Budget Information Section

These questions are used to ensure accurate reporting of project requests for budgetary purposes as well as to determine the project request category.

  • Executive Budget Control Officer (EBCO) - you may begin typing the EBCO's name or use the search icon to select. This information is required to ensure the EBCO with oversight of your area is aware of this request.
  • Budget Control Officer (BCO) - you may also begin typing or use the search icon for this field. The BCO will be the budget control officer responsible for any expenses incurred as a result of this project.
  • Is a purchase required to complete this project? Yes, No, Unsure
    • If yes, has budget been secured? Yes or No
  • Estimated Cost - either < $25,000 or >= $25,000
  • Is this project request associated with a current or future grant? No, Yes - Current Grant, Yes - Future Grant
  • If yes, please list the name of the grant

Alignment Questions

These questions are used to gauge alignment between the project request and GRCC Vision, Mission, Values & Goals

  • How does this project request align with GRCC’s stated mission, vision, values, and goals - Please reference GRCC strategic information at this link:
  • Stakeholder Impact: What percentage of the campus community will be impacted by this project?
    • 0-10% (project team)
    • 11-25% (group or department)
    • 26-50% (multi-department or larger business unit up to 100 people)
    • 51-75% (most departments or external component)
    • 76-100% (enterprise-wide / entire campus is impacted - or - significant external impact)
  • Please select any statements from the dropdown list which are true of this project. - this is a multi-select list of different project outcomes. You may select as few or as many of the options from this list as applicable. Please elaborate on your selections in the final text box.

Saving, Editing and Submitting Requests

  • Once you have completed the request form, please scroll to the top and click Save
    • After you have saved your request, you may continue to edit it. You may even come back at another time to complete it using this LINK.
  • To edit your request, select General from the left hand menu, then select Mark Incomplete
  • Once edits have been completed, click Mark Complete
  • Select Files from the menu
    • Click Add Attachments if your request has corresponding documents that should be reviewed with your request
    • Click Mark Complete
  • Click Submit once all edits and file attachments have been added to your request



Article ID: 2652
Fri 2/17/23 10:33 AM
Wed 1/24/24 10:35 AM

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (1)

This service encompasses the new project request cycle which is an on-going request process.