Name Change Process


Information regarding the name change process.



What is the process to change My​​​​GRCC account username to match my new legal name?



  • TeamDynamix



Students and Employees of GRCC may request a name change through IT to update their MyGRCC account username. This username is used for numerous accounts such as the MyGRCC portal (Blackboard, Online Center, Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)).

The name changes must first occur through the Student Records Department (Students), Student Employment Services (Student Employees), or HR Department (Staff and Faculty) before we can process name changes for your MyGRCC account.

You can then request the service from the IT Support service catalog by filling out and submitting the Name Change Request form. On this form you will be asked a preferred date/time when you will not be logged into any GRCC systems for a minimum of 1 hour for the change to occur. After processing the name change, IT Support will notify you via the preferred contact information on the form with your new MyGRCC username.

For students, you will need to inform any instructors that your account name has been changed as they are not informed when this process occurs.

You will need to manually update your information with Google at This will control how your name is displayed on Google services such as Gmail, Drive, and Google+.



Article ID: 1814
Wed 3/3/21 9:48 AM
Wed 3/12/25 7:09 AM

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