Managing Users in a Google Group


Instructions on how to add/remove users in a Google Group.



How do I manage (add/remove/modify) the users in my Google Group?



  • Google Groups



With the exception of Employee Pay Groups (APSS; Professional, Management, & Administrative; CEBA; ADJUNCT; FAC_FT_ALL) Google Group user management is the responsibility of the group manager, and is handled from within the Google Groups interface.



Invite Members

  1. Sign in to Google Groups
  2. Choose a group
  3. On the left, click Members
  4. Click Add members
  5. Toggle Directly add members at the bottom
  6. Enter the email addresses of people to invite
  7. Optional: Enter text in the Invitation message field
  8. Click Send invites

To change pending invitations, click Pending members. Click Resend invitation or Revoke invitation.


Direct Add Members

To add up to 10 people directly to your Group at once, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to Google Groups.
  2. Choose a group.
  3. On the left, click Members
  4. Click Add members
  5. Enter the email addresses of people to invite in Group members or Group managers fields.
    • Managers are unable to add Group owners
  6. Optional: Enter text in the Welcome message field
  7. Choose desired Subscription
  8. Click Add members


Modify members role

To modify members, such as to assign roles, change delivery or posting settings, or remove a member:

  1. Sign in to Google Groups.
  2. Choose a group.
  3. On the left, click Members
  4. Change Roles from the drop down in the Role column
  5. Change Subscription from the drop down in the Subscription column
  6. Change Posting from the drop down in the Posting column

Changes are saved automatically.


Remove members

To modify members, such as to assign roles, change delivery or posting settings, or remove a member:

  1. Sign in to Google Groups.
  2. Choose a group.
  3. On the left, click Members
  4. Check the box next to the member or members whose settings you want to change.
  5. In the upper right click  Remove member



Article ID: 1122
Fri 4/12/19 3:31 PM
Thu 2/6/25 4:49 PM

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