Mapping S: or J: Drives (Remote Only)


Network Drives S: or J: drive are not shown after logging in to the computer.



  • Windows 10
  • Active Directory
  • Shared Network Drive



To ensure that there are no residual mapped drives from leaving campus, for example just putting the laptop to sleep and heading out, please restart the computer at home before following these steps.

This will only work while connected to the GlobalProtect VPN Client.

  1. Right click an open area of the desktop. "Where all the program shortcuts are."
  2. Point to New
  3. Slide over to Shortcut in the side menu that pops up
  4. Copy the following into the "Location field box"
  1. Click Next
  2. Enter your GRCC login credentials. You can choose to save them if you want by checking the box.
  3. Type J Drive in the field that says username . "You could also just leave it username , but know that is your J Drive.

Repeat Steps 1-4 but instead of the last text line enter the following:

  1. Click Next
  2. Type S Drive in the field that says shared. "You could also just leave it shared, but know that is your S Drive.



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Article ID: 2504
Tue 11/15/22 11:10 AM
Tue 4/30/24 10:35 AM

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