April 2024 - Canvas Update



Dear Faculty and Staff,

We understand that many of you are eagerly anticipating, perhaps with a mix of excitement, anxiety, and curiosity, the transition to Canvas, our new Learning Management System (LMS). We are pleased to inform you that we have received a draft contract from Canvas, which is currently undergoing review by our General Counsel and Chief Information Officer (CIO).

While the review process typically takes a few weeks to finalize and sign the agreement, we are actively working towards an earlier implementation date. Our goal is to have everything in place before the scheduled start date of July 1, 2024.

Once the legal work is complete, we will schedule a kick-off meeting with Instructure. This meeting will provide us with an opportunity to share more detailed information, including specific dates for training and implementation.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate this transition. We are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for everyone involved and will keep you updated every step of the way!

Thank you,

LMS Project Team



Article ID: 3719
Mon 4/1/24 12:51 PM
Mon 4/1/24 12:52 PM