Once enrolled in a waitlisted class when do I pay my tuition bill?



Once enrolled in a waitlisted class when do I pay my tuition bill?


  • Student Financial Services (formerly Cashier)


The normal tuition due dates apply the day you are automatically enrolled in a class. If you are automatically enrolled in a class before the tuition due date, your new tuition bill will be updated in the Online Center.


Before the tuition due date

If you are enrolled in class from the waitlist before the tuition due date your new tuition bill will be updated in the Online Center.  It is your responsibility to pay this new amount on the tuition due date.

After the tuition due date

If you are enrolled in class from the waitlist after the tuition due date, it is your responsibility to pay the amount by midnight  of the same day. If you do not pay this amount, you jeopardize your entire schedule as the system will randomly drop a class for  non-payment. It may drop your waitlisted class OR it may drop another of your classes if your tuition is not paid. It is imperative to pay your tuition before midnight of the day of enrollment!

Payment plan

If you have an active Payment Plan, your new balance will automatically be updated to reflect any changes to your amount due.  You will receive an email notification of any changes to your payment plan.



Article ID: 3672
Mon 3/4/24 2:40 PM
Wed 3/6/24 10:37 AM