Student Emergency Fund Update - SUMMER 23


  • Emergency Grants - Funds have all been awarded for the summer semester (19 grants totaling $4,979.43)
  • Emergency Loans - No longer available since those are only offered against pending financial aid refunds (22 loans totaling $8,476.79)
  • Textbook Grant -  Funds have all been awarded for the summer semester
  • Reconnect & Futures 4 Frontliner wraparound grants - Still available to students who meet the criteria. We have sent multiple communications to all currently eligible students. (147 grants awarded totaling $78,650.00). We have also received an extension to help us award the remaining funds to eligible students during the fall semester. If you are wondering if a student you are working with is eligible, please message me with their name and ID and I can take a quick look.
  • MI-Echo wraparound grants - Were available this semester for 13 eligible students. Multiple communications went out to this group as well. (11 grants awarded totaling $2,800.00)
  • HEERF funds - $7,500 in remaining funds were identified and are currently being distributed to eligible students in the amount of $500 through the emergency fund application process. (9 grants awarded totaling $4,500.00 - $3,000.00 remaining)

Even though we have awarded all emergency grants, it is still beneficial for students to complete the request form. Once received, we share other information with the students (Food Pantry, MDHHS, Technology Loans, etc.). In addition, requests are reviewed and students are connected to appropriate resources (OSP, DSS, Counseling, MDHHS, Financial Aid, etc.).

As a reminder, our emergency grants are funded by an endowed fund and donations. If you are interested in supporting, you can make a one-time, or recurring, donation online. Select "Student Emergency Fund" as your designation.



Article ID: 3152
Thu 7/13/23 2:42 PM
Wed 8/16/23 4:11 PM