GRCC Cares: The term "Alert" will soon be changing to "Referral"

Tags EAB Navigate

In preparation for Fall 23, the GRCC Cares team will be updating Navigate and all GRCC Cares training + promotional materials to reflect the term "referral" in place of "alert". Changes will take place between now and August 28th. 

Based on experiences and feedback we've heard from stakeholders, we feel the term "referral" is a more accurate portrayal: a warm entry into a network of student services rather than a punitive intervention.

Anywhere you previously saw the word "alert" in Navigate, you will soon see "referral" (including "issue a referral", "recent referrals", and "referral reports"). Additionally, we'll be updating language on the GRCC Cares Web Page and the Early Alert (now "Referral") Quick Guide. 

An announcement of this change will be included in the GRCC Cares Newsletter-  scheduled for distribution in early September.