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The Student Virtual Lab is available to all students through VMware. This enables access the following lab software programs from off campus.

SPSS Statistics
MS Publisher
MS Visio
Acrobat DC
Instructions for connecting to the virtual ATC Open Lab pool through VMware Horizon View.
This article contains instructions on how to register for virtual meeting using Remo.
Instructions for obtaining and installing Windows 10 on Parallels for Desktop Mac.
Instructions on how to access Microsoft Teams to attend a virtual meeting.
Information on minimum system requirements for student facing (lab) and employee devices.
Instructions for installing the VMware Horizon View Client onto a personal or college machine.
List of all campus software with current off-campus availability status.
The IT Security team has laid out some best practices for keeping yourself and your data safe while working remotely.
When you log off our VMware all files are lost, please remember to save to an alternate location.
Properly power cycling the headset with the power still connected will resolve this issue.
PeopleSoft training and support resources
While accessing Google Meet within VMWare Horizon Client, the camera and microphone on the host machine will not be recognized.