Error When Entering Grades in Online Center


Requirement Designation must be populated error when entering a grade for a student completing an honors course/project



When entering grades in the Online Center, an error occurs



Requirement Designation must be populated



A Requirement Designation Grade must be specified if a student has taken on an honors credit. 

There is a second tab next to Student Grade for Requirement Designation. Faculty members must fill in information before being able to successfully save.



  1. Navigate to the Online Center
  2. Select Faculty Self-Service from the drop down menu in the left side of the top bar
  3. Click the Faculty Center panel
  4. Open the course for which you'd like to submit grades
  5. Enter a letter grade
  6. Enter the last date attended for any students receiving an E letter grade, who have stopped attending, dropped, or never attended the class
  7. Click the tab labeled Requirement Designation
  8. You must select either successfully or unsuccessfully from the drop-down menu for each student designated as an honors student.
  9. You can now select the approval status and click Save




Article ID: 831
Fri 4/27/18 3:04 PM
Tue 12/10/24 9:53 AM

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