Scan to Email from a Konica Minolta Printer


Instructions for scanning to email using the new Konica Minolta printers.



Scanning a document and sending to an email address using the Konica Minolta printers.



  • Konica Minolta Printer
  • PaperCut



Scan and send to your GRCC email

  1. Load the document into the feeder or onto the flatbed
  2. Log in to the printer by tapping or swiping your RaiderCard
    • Alternatively, you can login using the touch screen and entering your Campus Network Login.
  3. Tap the Scan icon 
  4. Select your personal or shared department account.
  5. Edit the subject, file name, and scan settings as desired
  6. Tap Start
  7. The printer will give you the option to press Start (button) to scan more pages or press Finish when complete.
  8. Press Start button
  9. Tap Send

Note: If the document does not show up in your inbox and is a multi-page scan: you may need to use the process below, selecting your own email as the destination. This is due to a file size restriction, and the scan method below will give options for Compact PDF as well as scan resolution options.

Scan and send to alternate email

  1. Load the document into the feeder or onto the flatbed
  2. Log in to the printer by tapping or swiping your RaiderCard
    • Alternatively, you can login using the touch screen and entering your Campus Network Login.
  3. Tap Device Functions
  4. Select your personal or shared department account.
  5. Tap the Scan/Fax option
  6. Choose Direct Input from the left panel
  7. Tap Email
  8. Type the email address of the person you would like to send to
  9. Tap OK and press the Start button



Article ID: 545
Mon 8/14/17 7:36 PM
Wed 3/12/25 7:18 AM