How to Submit a Google Doc on Blackboard


This article provides instructions on submitting an assignment written using Google Docs on Blackboard.



How can I submit a paper written in Google Docs on Blackboard? 



  • Blackboard
  • Google
    • Drive
    • Docs



Option 1

  1. Navigate to the course.
  2. Locate the assignment. 
  3. Click Upload Files.
  4. Click Browse Cloud Service in the Attach Files section. 
  5. Select Google Drive.
  6. Click Sign in with Google. 
  7. Choose your GRCC student Google account to sign-in. 
  8. Place a next to the assignment.
  9. Click Select 1 from the bottom. 
  10. Click Import
  11. Click Submit

Option 2

  1. Navigate to your GRCC student Google Drive
  2. Locate and open the file you want to submit. 
  3. Go to File Download, and choose the desired file type. 
  4. Choose the desired location on your computer and click Save
  5. Open Blackboard and locate the assignment. 
  6. Click Upload Files
  7. In the Attach Files box, choose Browse Local Files.
  8. Navigate to where the document was stored on your computer and click Open.  
  9. Click Submit



Article ID: 3258
Thu 8/24/23 1:26 PM
Tue 12/10/24 9:44 AM