Updating Microsoft Windows


Instructions on how to check for and install updates on a Windows 10 device.



How do I check for Windows Updates?



  • Microsoft Windows



This article will provide instructions on updating Microsoft Windows 10. During this process, you may receive a notification that your computer cannot connect to the Update service. If you receive this message, complete the Checking Online for Microsoft Updates section.

Remember, Microsoft updates require a system restart. Complete these steps only when you’re at a good stopping point. You’ll be notified several times before your computer restarts.



Checking for Microsoft Updates

  1. Expand the Start Menu.
  2. Click the Settings Icon.
  3. Click on the Update & Security button.
  4. Click the Check for updates button.
  5. Wait for Windows to check, download, and install your updates. You will need to restart your computer when prompted to complete this process.

Checking Online For Microsoft Updates

Complete this section online if you encountered an error message during the above section.

  1. Expand the Start Menu.
  2. Click the Settings  icon.
  3. Click on the Update & Security button.
  4. Click the Advanced Options link.
  5. Toggle the Automatically download updates, even over metered data connections switch.
  6. Click the Back  button. 
  7. Click the Check online for updates from Microsoft Update.



Article ID: 2092
Mon 10/11/21 1:14 PM
Thu 9/19/24 1:27 PM