Certain applications may not be available on Mac devices. This article outlines the basic steps necessary to run a Windows Operating System within your Mac device.
Obtaining Software
There are two pieces of software necessary to complete this process; Parallels for Mac and a copy of Microsoft Windows 10. Both of these titles can be purchased through GRCC's OnTheHub store.
- Go to
- If you already have an account, sign in; if not, click on Register and follow the prompts to create an account.
- Once signed it, select the appropriate group from the horizontal bar (Faculty/Staff or Students).
- Locate Parallels Desktop 15 for Mac and follow the steps to purchase and download.
- Next, return to the homepage of OnTheHub and locate Windows 10 from either the Operating Systems or Microsoft tabs.
- Windows 10 is free for students, and only $14.99 for Faculty/Staff
- Follow the steps to complete the purchase and download a copy of Windows 10.
- Install Parallels Desktop on your Mac (will be located in downloads unless otherwise specified)
- Follow the instructions at the link below for installing Windows 10 within Parallels.
Once completed, you can now install any Windows software such as Microsoft 365 with Microsoft Access.