Setting Default Program


How to set a default program by file type



Files are not opening in the programs I want them to.
I would specific types of files to open in specific applications.
How do I set my PDF files to open in Adobe?



The default program in Windows 10 will allow you to pick what programs you can use for certain functions such as maps, email or web browser. Alternatively, by choosing the default app by file type you can pick what programs open a specific file type by default.   



  • Microsoft Windows 10 



  1. Click the Start menu 
  2. Click the Settings icon 
  3. Click on the Apps option
  4. Then click on the Default Apps, from there you can set your default app for certain functions
  5. To set default apps for a certain file type scroll down and select Choose default apps by file type
  6. Once you have found the file type you are looking for click the Choose a default box to the right of the file type
    • If you are changing the default file type click on the application to the right of the file type.
  7. From there click the app you would like to set as the default 



Article ID: 1419
Thu 11/14/19 3:39 PM
Tue 2/11/25 4:05 PM