Apple Devices - How to Check for Updates


How do I know if my Apple device is up to date or run updates on the device?



  • MacOS devices
  • iPadOS / iOS devices



Keeping your devices updated is an important Security Best Practice.

Most of the time, if there is an update for your Apple device(s), it will be pushed out to your device(s) and you will be prompted to update. This is not always the case. 

Apple regularly updates their devices - some updates are more critical than others.

For a list of Apple products and their latest version updates available, please visit: Apple Updates. The documentation includes instructions on how to update your device(s), if needed. 

Note: GRCC Apple devices (Macs and iPads) have updates pushed out to them soon after updates are released by Apple. Be sure you are regularly connected to the GRCC Network to receive these updates. 



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Tue 8/23/22 2:21 PM
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