Change Google 2FA phone number


How do I change my Google 2FA (2-Factor Authentication) phone number?



  • Google



  1. Open your Google Account's Security page (sign in if not already).
  2. Under the How you sign in to Google section, locate 2-Step verification and click anywhere on that row.
  3. Enter your MyGRCC login credentials.
  4. Click the small arrow  next to "Voice or text message."
  5. Select the "Add a backup 2-Step Verification phone" or "Add phone number" button.
  6. Verify the new phone number with the security code that is sent to you. 
  7. (Optional) Remove the old phone number using the small trash can icon .
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Article ID: 2343
Wed 5/18/22 10:14 AM
Fri 5/3/24 10:33 AM