Held for Authentication Error when Printing


When using Papercut Mobility, a user is given a message on the Papercut pop up of Held for Authentication 



  • Papercut Mobility



This happens when the customer's password is expired or they are using the wrong password. There is no direct message that states the password is invalid. 



  • The customer will need to select the refresh button in the top right hand corner of the popup window to renter their password. 
  • While using a Mac, it may give this error message after a recent password change, new password may need to be added to the key chain
  • If the password is expired they will need to change their password at the MyGRCC Portal or by calling the Support Desk at 616-234-4357 if they do not remember their password and did not setup recovery options. 
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Article ID: 2078
Fri 10/1/21 1:42 PM
Mon 1/8/24 12:51 PM